To promote commerce in general and in particular to promote, protect and watch over the interests of the Indian Film Industry and allied industries and trades, including the interests of producers, distributors and-exhibitors of films and of all other persons connected with the film industry, to regulate their method or doing business, to establish just and equitable principles in the film industry to maintain uniformity in rules, regulations and usages of the film industry, to provide forms of contract and regulate the nuking and carrying out, enforcement or cancellation of contracts, to adjust by arbitration or otherwise controversies between the membesrs of the Federation inter se and between the members and other persons or between persons interested in the film industry and to fix or adopt rules and regulations for the film industry, or any part or branch thereof.
To consider and advise upon all questions connected with the film industry and specially to adopt measures to remove any difficulties experienced by those engaged in the various aspects of the Film Industry.
To support and protect the character, status and interests of the film industry and/or or all persons engaged therein.
To promote honorable practice, to repress malpractice, to settle disputed points of practice, and to decide all questions of profession or business usage or courtesy between Or amongst persons in the film industry.
To consider all questions affecting the interests of the film industry and if necessary, to petition the legislatures Or promote deputations in relation to General measures affecting the Film Industry and to procure Changes of law or practice and the promotion of improvements in the principles.
To take all steps as may be considered necessary for promoting, supporting or opposing legislative or executive action affecting the economic interests of the Film lndustry; and of those engaged therein.
To secure organized action by persons and associations in the film industry and allied industries and trades.
To popularize the film industry and its products in India and abroad.
To provide for the members a place of meeting.
To watch over, support, Protect, extend and define the rights of the members of the Federation: and to procure for their. benefit special advantages and concessions of all IdMds.
To encourage the growth or friendly relations amongst the members and amongst Persons engaged in the Film Industry, in India and specially it’s encourage cooperation between the members and between the persons Engaged in the. industry in India and abroad.